, Company News
ise is a member of the newly founded KNX National Germany registered association
To lead KNX as a worldwide standard into a new generation.
On 27 June 2022, the KNX National Germany registered association was founded in Frankfurt. The purpose of the association is the promotion as well as the market-oriented further development and dissemination of KNX technology in Germany, involving all stakeholders in the education and training of craftsmen and planners for building infrastructure. In doing so, the association breaks new ground in terms of communication, marketing and dialogue in order to jointly and successfully shape the future of KNX. Topics such as sustainability, climate protection, energy management, simplicity, but also flexibility and living make it necessary to involve all groups involved in the construction process and the operation of a building.
We have been relying on KNX for over 25 years, which is precisely why it is a matter close to our hearts to support the KNX National Germany registered association with our membership. That makes us proud!
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