, Company News

ise at the 21th "Everstener Brunnenlauf" 2023

Brunnenlauf ise 2023
TECIOL IT City Battle

On your marks, get set, go!

On June 4, 2023, the time had finally come: The 21st "Everstener Brunnenlauf" with integrated 17th company run "Firmenlauf" and 4th "TECIOL IT City Battle" was very well received. As the main sponsor of the company run and as an IT company, we know that the way is the goal! It didn't matter whether experienced runners or running beginners, together we experienced a sporty and fun day! We had our own stand and a quiz game where young and old could win great prizes. Many thanks to all colleagues who were there and supported us! You have shown that we not only develop cool software or electronics, but that we are also passionate and motivated to achieve our own goals.

Many impressions can be found on our social media channels facebook and Instagram.

#EverstenerBrunnenlauf #challenge #TogetherStrong #teamspirit #funrunning #oldenburg #coolplacetowork #ise #iseoldenburg #isebonn #oldenburg #bonn #bremen #hamburg #software #electronics #softwaredevelopment #softwarejobs #jobs #buildingautomation #knx #worklifebalance #teciol #teciolbattle
