, Product News
ise presentation on KNX RF Multi at the Wireless Congress 2023
KNX RF Multi – How Low Power became Super Low Power.
On 8 November, Jens Kamenik gave an exciting presentation at the Wireless Congress 2023 in Munich on the topic of "KNX RF Multi - How Low Power became Super Low Power". The presentation highlighted key optimisations, including the shortening of the preamble phase and the addition of position and address information. These innovations have led to the ground-breaking SLE KNX RF Multi standard.
It was particularly exciting to see the main use case – the KNX media coupler, where the efficient handling of high priority messages plays a key role.
The event was a complete success with positive feedback and stimulating technical discussions. We also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Wireless Congress. A big thank you to everyone who contributed!
You can find more information about the KNX RF Multi products at www.ise.de/en/knx-rf-multi.