, Company News

ise Christmas donation 2021

ise Christmas donation 2021

The Christmas season is always a moment to pause and share. Also this year we asked the ise employees inside to propose charitable organizations that should receive our traditional Christmas donations.

The choice fell on "BildungsChancen im Blick Oldenburg", "Autonomes Frauenhaus Oldenburg" and "Na Und - Queeres Leben in Oldenburg e.V.", who were very happy about this year's donation of € 1,000 each.

BildungsChancen im Blick Oldenburg
An association that stands up for those schoolchildren in the city of Oldenburg whose chances of graduating from school are assessed as low.

Autonomes Frauenhaus Oldenburg
The social institution offers women and their children help, advice and temporary sheltered accommodation in the event of domestic violence. The association was founded in 1977 and is one of the oldest women's shelters in Germany.

Na Und - Queeres Leben in Oldenburg e.V.
Is committed to political emancipation and cares about leisure and entertainment, whereby they help shape social life here and elsewhere.

#CoolTimeToDonate #MerryChristmasForEveryone #CoolPlaceToWork #WeAreOne #StayHealthy #TogetherWeWeWithdistanceAmBest #CoolTimeToShare

