, Company News
Do good and talk about it!
Every year we ask our employees to suggest charitable and regional organisations for a donation. Just in time for the beginning of the year, we were delighted to present Tanja and Martin de Boer from the association „Herzkinder OstFriesland e. V.“, Antje Möhrmann from the association „TrostReich e. V.“ and Sahra Kleinke with dog Bailey from the animal shelter „Tierheim Oldenburg e. V.“ with donation cheques of € 1,000 each. Sensational! It's great that you were there and that we were able to learn more about your valuable work!
Herzkinder OstFriesland e. V.
The association „Herzkinder OstFriesland e. V.“ has set itself the task of supporting parents of children with congenital heart defects in many ways. Since its foundation, the association has been using a wide range of public campaigns to draw attention to the concerns of „HERZkinder“ and thus build up a sustainable lobby. With experts on site, the members of the association also improve diagnosis and therapy options and, if necessary, also provide financial support to families in need.
TrostReich e. V.
„TrostReich“ provides grieving children and adolescents as well as their families with a protected space in which they can meet others who are affected by their grief. The exchange between the grieving children and young people is of particular importance to TrostReich. They no longer feel alone with their fate. Mutual understanding is an important element in strengthening self-awareness and orientation in the grieving process.
Tierheim Oldenburg e. V.
The Oldenburg animal shelter has been located on the Küstenkanal in Oldenburg for 40 years. Since 2006, it has been under the management of the non-profit supporting organisation „Oldenburger Tierheim mbH“, a subsidiary of the „Tierschutzverein Oldenburg e. V.“. The shelter takes in over 1,300 found, surrendered and confiscated animals a year. It shelters an average of 160 animals every day.
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